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“Businesses that understand emerging “influence points” will have a significant strategic advantage...driven by the needs of ever more demanding customers, position [1] will matter more than ever.” - The Future of Manufacturing, Deloitte Insights, John Hagel et al.
“Influence Points,” or as we know commonly identify them – “Top Trends” - were the focus of Tuesday’s SPINS event , Natural Foods Forecast 2019: What are the top trends in the market's hottest category? Specifically, speakers Molly Hjelm, Jessica Hochman, and Brent Coons addressed the trends that are quickly emerging to dominate the Natural Foods category.
The Top trends emerging in the category are all starting to take up significant shelf space across all aisles of the grocery store. From clean beverages, to better for you booze, kids snacks to adult snacks, new imaginings behind the seafood or “no fish” seafood spaces, and beyond - every area of our daily eating and drinking habits are seeing new innovations, product sources and approaches. We all consider know that trends are worth monitoring, as they can be either a jumping-off point or potentially tie into something of deeper value to consumers - Tuesday’s event provided a great analysis of the trends with real market impact for 2019!
Founders from 3 Chicago-based start-ups were on hand to sample their products. All of which, matched the trends being discussed. Hope & Sesame provided a non-dairy milk alternative - the “sesame” trend that marketers are watching closely. Social Sparkling Wine had a gluten-free sake cocktail and Drink Stout , a new CFBN member, brought their smoky, spicy non-alcoholic Bloody Mary base - both great examples of the “better for you booze” trend.
Missed out on this awesome event? Check out the CFBN LiveStream of the event! Take a look at this recording from SPINS’ recent Trends Predictions webinar for a recap of the great content mentioned during the live event. Don’t forget that you can discover more trends & research from SPINS Natural insights experts!
As the leading wellness-focused data technology company, SPINS uniquely empowers brands, retailers and investors with powerful insights to uncover growth opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. If you’re interested in learning more about how they can help you, connect with a member of the SPINS team here.
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